B.Sc nursing , Paramedical courses.....
1) Coconut( liquid endosperm)
2)CO2 ( not required for germination of seed)
3)Ethylene( gaseous phytohormone)
4)06 ( IUBMB enzyme classification)
5) asexual reproduction ( budding is an example of...)
6) chromium[Cr] (among the following element...... not essential)
7) root hair (plants absorb water from....)
8) Chlorella (..... not a biological N2 fixation)
9) apical Meristem (plants grow in length.....)
10)B- lymphocyte (antibodies in our body are produced by.....)
11) tuberculosis( BCG is a....)
12) chimpanzee( humans share their ancestry ...)
13) different original but similar functions ( analogous organ represent....)
14) mollusca (octopus belongs to phylum....)
15) insects have one pair of simple eye( wrong statement....)
16)morula ( the solid ball of cell after fertilization.....)
17)Scheiden& Schwann ( cell theory ...... scientist)
18)R.H Whittaker( five kingdom classification....)
19)Sewage( biodegradable.....)
20) Succession ( climax community...)
21)Both A&B ( component of acid rain....)
22)SO2 ( not a Greenhouse gas...)
23)Monera ( according to five kingdom.... bacteria...)
24) methyl isocyanate (Bhopal gas tragedy....)
25) ozone layer(CFCs are responsible for...)
26)Energy ( The pyramid that is never inverte...)
27)IgA ( which immunoglobulin in colostrum...)
28)Bacteria ( Much of research..... E coli ....)
29)01 ( how many flagell...... trypanosoma)
30) brain to organ (motor nerve...)
31) peripheral part of the body to the heart (A vein....)
32)Cloning( the technique used to produce large....)
33)Sexual contact (HIV is transmitte....)
34) Cowpox virus ( Edwer jenner....)
35) Histamin (inflammatory response in Allergy...)
36)Interferone ( protein secreted by virus...)
37)Group-O ( which of the following blood groups....)
38)bacilli ( rod-shaped called bacteria are...)
39)Lactobacillus( Milk into curd....)
40)Ball & Socket ( freely moveable joint...)
41) Tobacco[1882 china] ( First transgenic crop...)
42) Metronidazole ( Amoebiasis is treated....)
43) Energy hormone ( Adrenaline& nor Adrenalin.....)
44)Fallopian tube ( Fertilization of ovum...)
45) Mutualism( The Symbiosis relationship....)
46) Cattle Yard ( Methogenic bacteria....)
47) Hydathode ( Guttation.... Process of water loss....)
48)Xylem parenchyma ( living element of xylem...)
49) Germinal epithelium ( the layer from which gamate formed....)
50) Chemotropism ( The growth of pollen tube toward ovule....)
1) 0 ( oxidation of C in C12H22011)
2)i)anhyd. HCL. MeCOCl ii)Zn(Hg)/HCl (PhH⇨Ph-Et...reagent is)
3)III<I<II (stability of carbocation ....)
4)16 (Equivalent wt..)
5)Mg(OH)2 (Treat to indigestion....)
6)Ph-NMe2(Give meta-compound....)
7)Greater than (X) & (Y) (dipolemoment of p-nitroaniline....)
8)Li/Liq.NH3 (reduction reagent....)
9)2-Ethyl crotonaldehyde (IUPAC name...)
10)Ranitidine ( Not a analgesic ......)
11)Nucliophilic substitution ( example of ....)
12)NaNO2/HCl-CuCN ( Suitable reagent .....)
13)🔺G= 0 (Phage change of water .....)
14)0.5 (Equilibrium constant for acetylene ....)
15) 450 R/Na ( average kinetic energy per molecule ...)
16)3.33 ( The molarity of solution .....)
17) 5 ( PH of resulting mixture ....)
18) 4S3 ( PBI2 Concentration solubility product ....)
19) Ziegler-Natta catalyst ( Olefin ploymarization.....)
20) BaCl2>HCl>Glucose=Sucrose ( osmotic pressure .....)
21) 1/50 ( relative lowering of vapour pressure ....)
22) 3,3, -2, +1/2 ( not a quantum no.....)
23) 36 ( molarity of acid ....)
24) Fe 2+ (.... In mohr's salt acidification ....)
25) Nuclear charge ( size of isoelectric species ...)
Physics ans key coming soon....
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